Sunday, August 21, 2011


Boy was it hot this past weekend 90 to 100 degrees!
The fishing is still going strong you just have to get out early and brave the heat and get back before it gets too hot. The speckled trout are going into their last spawn for the summer before starting the transition into the marsh for the fall. Come on cooler weather.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

August: Birthday Fishing Trip

Tayler, Garrett, Amy, and Patrick made the trip to Hopedale La from Monroe for Garrett’s Birthday. This was the first trip for Tayler, Amy and Patrick Garret is a repeat fishing offender. Any way the trip started off bad a fuel filter problem got in the way but I got it drained and we were on track again. First stop fish coming in the boat Specks and white trout mixed but quick action and rods bent nice way to start the day. Next stop Tayler and Garret and Amy bull reds in the boat. I took us a little further out to some islands and we found some bigger trout ready to take the bait steady action and the box looking good until a storm blew in and stopped the bite. Headed around the storm in search of redfish and had some pulling drag reds on the line. We worked the shoreline catching some keeper reds and a bunch of rat reds too small to keep and ended the day with the rain right on our tails on the way in. AWESOME BIRTHDAY PRESENT FOR GARRET! The rods were bent all day long.
CAPT GENE DUGAS @(985)-640-0569